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    Bandwagon and Namecalling

    Bandwagon: “Keep America Great” by Donald Trump.
    Keep America Great is the new slogan of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for this year 2020. With this new slogan, Trump intends to get the citizens to vote to win the next election once again. He is implying that he already made America great in his first presidential term and that he will continue to do so. However, what does the word “great” mean? It is a very subjective and interpretive adjective for each person. “Great” could be to reduce taxes, less drastic immigration policies, etc., which would not be “great” for others. This slogan is just an ideological thought that has become a political populism, without any analysis or statistics to guarantee that America will be “great” with Donald Trump as president.
    We must be more objective when choosing a presidential candidate, not just choosing anyone for a contagious slogan.


    Name-calling: “Illegal Immigrant”.

    It is a term to establish that a person does not have immigration status, it has been used to offend and discriminate against a specific population that is not authorized by the government to reside in a particular country. I agree with an article, “Should I use the term” Illegal immigrant ” by Jeffry Toobin, https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/should-i-use-the-term-illegal-immigrant. He states that using the term” illegal immigrant “is inaccurate, and most of the time, the use of the word ‘illegal’ is to refer to a person who is confined to exactly one group of people: Migrants.
    Although “illegal immigrant” is not a namecalling, but in recent times it has been used to denigrate undocumented immigrants.

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